Inspiration in a pile of scraps
Yesterday, I was doing some project ideas for the catalogue launch I'm holding January 4, and of course, there was a huge pile of scraps on the desk when I was finished. I don't normally hold on to smaller pieces of scrap paper, because I find them hard to use. But, sometimes, I leave them on my desk because I may have a use for them. When I finished crafting for the day, I walked out of my space and just shut the door, thinking I'd get back to it today. Well, I didn't. I couldn't find the inspiration, so, instead, I decided to organize all my 8.5x11 cardstock by colour. I happened to find some large zip-top plastic bags today, and arranged them all by colour. I am so happy it's organized now, and I can find exactly the colour I want. After I finished that task, I was going to start stamping and creating for a few card classes I have scheduled for January, but I couldn't get into it today. Some days, I have no problem coming up with ideas- one thing spi...